Anna Testolin, born in Cuggiono (MI) on 11st May 1992, received a scientific diploma at Liceo Scientifico “Arturo Tosi” di Busto Arsizio (VA). She graduated cum laude in Chemical Sciences on 4th October 2016 by Università degli Studi di Milano.
During her thesis project, entitled “Exploring the electrochemical behaviour of gold nanoparticles in composite electrodes”, she studied the behaviour of different composite electrodes modified with gold nanoparticles for electroanalytical purposes.
From October 2016 she is a PhD student in Chemistry (XXXII cycle) by Università degli Studi di Milano and she works on the synthesis, characterization and application of monometallic and bimetallic nanomaterials for the detection of contaminants in environmental matrices.


1) Valentina Pifferi, Carine E.Chan-Thaw, Sebastiano Campisi, Anna testolin, Alberto Villa, Luigi Falciola, Laura Prati

“Au-Based Catalysts: Electrochemical Characterization for Structural Insights”, Molecules, 21, (2016), 261.