Welcone to Webcutter 2.0

This new version of Webcutter is a complete rewrite.

Search NCBI's GenBank for your sequence by entering search terms below.
Then you have to copy and paste the sequence in the box above.

Please enter a title for this sequence:

Paste the DNA sequence into the box below

For more advanced searches, please visit one of these sites

  • The National Center for Biotechnology Information's GenBank
  • European Bioinformatics Institute

  • Please select the type of analysis you would like
    Linear sequence analysis
    Circular sequence analysis
    Find sites which may be introduced by silent mutagenesis

    Please indicate how you would like the restriction sites displayed
    Map of restriction sites
    Table of sites, sorted alphabetically by enzyme name
    Table of sites, sorted sequentially by base pair number

    Please indicate which enzymes to include in the display
    All enzymes
    Enzymes not cutting
    Enzymes cutting once
    Enzymes cutting exactly times
    Enzymes cutting at least times, and at most times
    highlights for enzymes from the polylinker

    Please indicate which enzymes to include in the analysis
    All enzymes in the database
    Only enzymes with recognition sites equal to or greater than bases long
    Only the following enzymes:
    Use the command, control, or shift key to select multiple entries

    I am pleased to introduce the following new features: Plus all of the features Webcutter has always had, from automatic sequence search-and-entry from NCBI's GenBank to its easy customizable interface and clean simple results format. For a mini-manual on how Webcutter 2.0 works, how to get the most from it, and some of its known limitations, please click here.
    Webcutter 2.0, copyright 1997 Max Heiman. Please send suggestions to maxwell@minerva.cis.yale.edu or visit the author's home page.