Study groups

SG04. Workers’ Participation

Aula 24
Thursday 8 September 2016, 09.30-11.00

Workers’ participation study group meeting

Organiser: Ray Markey

SG06. Public Policy and Industrial Relations

Aula 4
Thursday 8 September 2016, 09.30-11.00

Public policy responses to industrial relations challenges: Is it necessary or sufficient?

Organisers: Serafino Negrelli, Anil Verma

  • Tiziano Treu, Public policy in industrial relations: Why it matters even more in the era of globalization?
  • Anil Verma, Does labour regulation discourage investments? A review of the research evidence and lessons for public policy
  • Serafino Negrelli, Public policy and industrial relations in the EU: Between economic crisis and austerity policies
  • Laurence Léa Fontaine, Fragmentation of the labour market and lack of workers’ protection
  • Diane Gagné, When unions become carriers of inequalities: The impact of ‘orphan clauses’ on citizenship at work
  • Sophie Gamwell, International recruitment of nurses within the UK and state’s failure to respond

SG10. Flexible Work Patterns

Aula 5
Thursday 8 September 2016, 09.30-11.00

Flexible work patterns: Special session

Organisers: Christine Edwards, Clare Kelliher and Richard Croucher
Chair: Clare Kelliher

SG01. Industrial Relations as a field and Industrial Relations theory

Aula 6
Thursday 8 September 2016, 14.00-15.30, 16.00-17.30

Pluralisms? Is there a European theoretical alternative to American unitarist HRM?

Coordinators: Peter Ackers, Bruce Kaufman, John Kelly

  • Peter Ackers, Pluralisms? Framing the debate
  • Stefano Gasparri, Studying work in theory and practice: Insights for a globalising academia from the IR trajectory in Italy
  • Maragtas S.V. Amante, Kerr et al (1960) in ASEAN industrial relations: Practical convergence versus national divergence
  • John Budd, Beyond unitarism: Does the OB turn further marginalize pluralism (and radicalism)?
  • George Tsogas, Labour and value in cognitive (bio)capitalism: Towards a marxist theory of industrial relations

SG02. Gender and Employment

Aula 26
Friday 9 September 2016, 10.30-12.00

Gender and employment: Special seminar

Convenors: Gill Kirton, Anne-marie Greene

  • Cathrine Seierstad, Can quotas challenge gender inequality regimes in the private sector? The wider effects of quotas on corporate boards in Norway
  • Cécile Guillaume, Women’s representation in a trade union that claims to be different from others

SG16. Industrial Relations in the Public Sector

Aula 4
Friday 9 September 2016, 10.30-12.00

Special seminar: Public service employment relations in Europe after the crisis

Organisers: Lorenzo Bordogna, Stephen Bach

  • Stephen Bach
  • Lorenzo Bordogna
  • Berndt Keller

Discussants: Harry Katz, Mia Rönnmar

SG08. Employment relationship in Sport

Aula 27
Saturday 10 September 2016, 10.30-12.00

Special session: Employment relations in football
Organiser: Michele Colucci