Toxicology Lab

"Rien ne se perd, rien ne se crée, tout se transforme."

("Nothing is lost, nothing is created, everything is transformed.")

Traité Elémentaire de Chimie (Elementary Treatise of Chemistry) Antoine Lavoisier, 1789

Plant protection products

Plant protection products are toxic substances voluntarily emitted in the environment to protect crops. Based on their biological activities their use rise concern for the health of both occupationally exposed subjects and the general population.

Assessment of exposure to these chemicals is the first step toward the protection of human health.

Our activity in assessing exposure to pesticides is documented in several publications starting from 2002. We developed and validated sensible and specific analytical assays to measure ethylenethiourea, terbutilazine and tebuconazole and/or their metabolites in specimen such as urine and hair [Fustinoni et al, 2005a; Mercadante et al, 2012b; Mercadante et al. 2014]. These assays were then applied to the general population and/or occupational exposed subjects to investigate exposure, kinetics of elimination and their use as biomarkers [Colosio et al, 2002; Corsini et al, 2005; Colosio et al, 2006; Colosio at al, 2007; Fustinoni et al 2008b; van Amelsvoort  et al,  2008; Steerenberg  et al, 2008; Baranska ET AL, 2008; Swaen et al, 2008; Boers et al, 2008; Mercadante et al 2012a; Mercadante et al, 2013a, Fustinoni et al, 2014).