16th SFRRI Biennial Meeting, London (UK)

A high fructose diet induces protein glycoxidation and HNE protein modifications in rats. L. Cannizzaro, G. Rossoni, F. Savi, M. Orioli, M. Carini, G. Aldini.

A model of Alzheimer’s disease for oxidative stress in liver and brain glucose consumption determined by positron emission tomography. Bonet-Costa V, Abdelaziz K.M., Dromant M, Inglés M, El Alami M, López-Grueso R, Olaso G, Gambini J, Borrás C, Viña J.

A new high resolution mass spectrometry application for the comprehensive analysis of AGEs and ALEs binding properties of RAGE. G. Aldini, D. De Maddis, G. Degani et al.

Actin carbonylated aggregates impair cellular proliferation. Castro, J.P., Jung, T., Grune, T., Almeida

Effects of novel quercetin derivatives on sarco/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase, D. Blaskovic, F. Drzik, J. Viskupicova, M. Veverka, L. Horakova

Higher oxidative stress in human dental pulp stem cells cultured at 21% O2 compared to 5% O2.  El Alami M, Vina JA, Abdelaziz K.M, Bonet-Costa V, López-Grueso R,  Olaso G, Inglés M, Dromant M, Edo R, Borrás C, Gambini J, Siow RC, Chapple SJ, Mann GE, Peñarrocha, Viña J.

Macrovascular endothelial cell senescence is induced by foam cell-derived lipid peroxidation products Y. Riahi, A. Sima, G. Aldini, G. Leibowitz, N. Kaiser, S. Sasson.

New quercetin derivatives and their action on peroxynitrite-oxidized SERCA1, P. Žižková, J. Viskupičová, M. Veverka, L. Horáková,

N-linked oligosaccharides of glycoproteins are altered during aging and are possible regulators ofthe somatotropic axis- Valerie Vanhooren.      

Oxidative modifications of specific enzymes and impaired energy metabolism charachterize senescent satalite cells. M. A. Baraibar, J. Hyzewicz, R. Ladouce, A. Rogowska-Wrzesinska, G. Butler-Brown, B. Friguet.

Protein modification and MS detection. P. Domingues. EU COST CM1001 Action Satellite Meeting,

Protein oxidation and proteomics – challenges and pitfalls. A. Rogowska-Wrzesinska.

Protein oxidation in stress and disease – finding the needle in the haystack (invited lecture); Analysis of oxidative damage to lipids (Morning School Lecture). Corinne M. SPICKETT.

Sulforaphane decreases neutrophil hyperactivity by reducing intracellular oxidative stress.  H.K.I. Dias1, M. Milward2, M. Grant2, I.L.C. Chapple2, H.R. Griffiths*1, 16th SFRRI Biennial Meeting, London (UK) September 6-9 2012.



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