
International Congress on Carnosine and Anserine 2014:

We are pleased to announce the next international congress of the carnosine consortium, which will take place in Tokyo, Japan on August 5-7, 2014 under the title: International Congress on Carnosine and Anserine 2014 (ICCA2014).
The local organizer is Prof. Junzo Kamei from the School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences of Hoshi University (Japan).

All information on the organization of the congress can be found at http://www.conet-cap.jp/icca2014/

 List of speakers:

Memorial lecture Opening Lecture for Prof. Boldyrev (Chair: Benito Yard, Germany):

Vasily Kazey (Russia)

Hiroki Abe (Japan)

● Biochemical properties and metabolic pathways of carnosine
Jakub Drozak (Poland)
Wim Derave (Belgium)
Giancarlo Aldini (Italy)
Jianyong Li (USA)
Aruni Bhatnagar (USA)
Kazuhiko Yanai (Japan )

● Physiological roles of HCD in different tissues
Speakers: Emile De Heer (Netherlands)
Katsuya Nagai (Japan)
Zhengwei Fu (China )

● Carnosine/anserine in functional food
Shozo Tomonaga (Japan )
Fidel Toldrá (Spain )
Mikako Sato (Japan )

● Novel therapeutic targets of carnosine/anserine
Sibylle Jenny Hauske (Germany )
Junzo Kamei (Japan )
Yokichi Hayashi (Japan )
Arshad Majid (England)
Hiroshi Inoue (Japan )

● Beta-alanine and carnosine in sports and exercise
Speakers: Craig Sale (UK )
Bruno Gualano (Brasil )
Guilherme Artioli (Brasil )
Yasuhiro Suzuki (Japan )

Int. Congress 2017

ICAA 2017