Al-As'ad, W., Al-Maqdissi, M., Meyer, C.J. (Eds.), Studia Orontica, 2011

The prehistory of Palmyra (Tadmor, central Syria): environmental changes and cultural dynamics between the late Pleistocene and the early Holocene

Mauro Cremaschi, Andrea Zerboni, Michel Al-Maqdissi

Evidence of late Pleistocene to early Holocene occupation of the region surrounding the oasis of Palmyra/Tadmor (central Syria) consists of geometric Kebaran, Natufian and early Neolithic archaeological sites. These are distributed along the margin of the Sabkhat al Mouh and in the Abu Fawares area, in connection with lacustrine deposits, suggesting a period with a humid climate. Wet environmental conditions presumably turned toward aridity in correspondence with the early Neolithic, and later archaeological sites were concentrated in the area of the present-day oasis and marginally within the Abu Fawares basin.

Simplified geological sketch of the area surrounding Palmyra/Tadmor (modified, Soulidi-Kondratiev, 1966). Key: 1) pre-Quaternary bedrock outcrop; 2) Quaternary deposits; 3) Pleistocene lake deposits; 4) delta system; 5) sabkhat; 6) erosional stream.
Geomorphological sketch of Abu Fawares area, indicating the location of Epipalaeolithic and Neolithic archaeological sites; a Geological cross section is also reported. Key: 1) bedrock outcrop; 2) slope deposits; 3) pediment; 4) wind-blown depression; 5) lake sediments; 6) archaeological mounds; 7) archaeological sites; 8) main wadis.
Distribution of late Pleistocene/early Holocene aeolian and lacustrine deposits in the sabkhat area; archaeological sites are also indicated (dots). Key: 1, lacustrine terrace; 2, dune; 3, main sites (A, Tell Site 288; B, wadi Aid section); 4, archaeological sites.
(A) Late Pleistocene/early Holocene lacustrine terraces at the southern margin of the sabkhat. (B) A gypsum-sand dune at the southern margin of the sabkhat. Cross sections of the sand dunes (C) and lacustrine terraces (D) at the southern margin of the sabkhat.
Stratigraphic section at wadi Aid. Black triangles indicate the locations of flint artefacts (a, Geometric Kebaran; b, Mousterian); the layer radiocarbon dated by Sakaguchi (1987) is also indicated.